Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Artist Statement

I think you call it an Artist Statement. Anyway, I wrote one, not really following the rules. I just did it my way. Thanks Blue Eyes :)

I am beginning to deepen my profile on the Saatchi Art site, in an effort to present my work to those who are a little more inclined to purchase. Here is the statement I submitted to the Saatchi site.


I am not a professional artist, though, I have sold a few art works. As I write this bio, I am 20 years in the business of Information Technology. Some years in the hospital environment, a few years in the wireless Internet Service industry, and currently running an IT shop for County Government.

My first passion in visual expression came in the form of still photography. As a teenager, I was very curious with the camera. As a young adult, I enlisted in the United States Navy, and worked as a Photographer's Mate. My tenure in the Navy was a life changing experience. I transitioned very well to the digital photography world, and not long after that, I began focusing my attention on oil paint.

I took a class at the local community college, and had a great experience with the painting instructor. She taught me how to think about art, how to talk about art, and how to allow myself to "let go" of the rules, and just let the painting happen organically. My favorite photographers are Edward Weston, and Sebastiao Selgado. My favorite painters are Joan Mitchell, Karel Appel, and so many more. Too many to name.

When I am out and about with the camera, I am enjoying the solitude of the landscapes I am photographing. I spent just a few years tinkering with digital art, and may return to it, but as I write this, I am very deep into the genre of black and white landscape still photographs. When I am painting, I am witnessing a battle between my inner being, and my outer being. Rather, my conscious mind versus my sub-conscious mind. The result so far - some non-objective works, that focus on action, color, shape, line, and texture. On the other side of the inner battle lies a painter that works very conceptually. The painting titled, One Zero, is currently my most significant example of the conceptual style. 

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