I wanted to share a couple of new images, and sort of continue the discussion from my last post. The first image is from Cuchara Colorado. My parents own a cabin out there, and we were there for a short visit. I was taking the dog for a walk, the evening before the drive back home. When I started walking, I noticed the multiple shades of red and blue in the clouds. This sparked a scramble for the camera. The final image, however, is technically not a straight photograph. I enhanced the color saturation just a bit, in order to make the colors richer. But the straw that breaks it away from a straight shot, is the use of the clone stamp tool. There were a few hot spots in the clouds that were just washed out in the final image. I used the clone stamp tool to remove those hot spots.
The second image I would like to share is from two nights ago. I went to the Seward County Fair with one purpose in mind. To capture the light trails from the carnival hardware. I was only able to get a couple workable images. This one I believe is the best. Is it a straight shot? In other words, did I take the image straight out of the camera? No. Again, using my new favorite Photoshop tool, the clone stamp tool, I removed the evergreen tree that was cluttering up the negative space on the left side. It looks much better now.